Server Rules

Please understand these rules, as you are responsible for knowing them.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact an admin.


Our Discord has some basic rules, but is usually pretty chill.

  1. Treat People with Respect
  2. Do Not Mic/Text Spam
  3. Do Not use Derogatory Terms


It has been 4 years since the dead started to rise. At first, it was a few isolated cases in clinics in the smaller rural areas. But since no one knew what was happening and bites were happening more and more, it was already too late. The disease was already beyond containment.

The military setup roadblocks trying to prevent the spread of the virus, and when those failed and their military bases became overun, they setup temporary camps to try to launch counter attacks from. These temporary bases did help slow the virus, but were quickly overrun. The military made some last ditch efforts to hold off the major southern coastal towns; Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk. When Chernogosk fell, all remaining civilians were escorted to Elektro in the hopes of an evacuation. It never came.

Instead bombs were dropped. Planes flew overhead dropping not explosives, but chemical weapons. Trying a last ditch effort to eliminate the infected, even at the cost of the living. Clouds of toxic green smoke would encompass whole cities, having little effect on the undead. However this killed many of the survivors who were hiding in their basements or locked in their police stations. Most of Chernarus had finally been overrun.

It is now 3 years after the bombs fell. Those few survivors who are left have had a hard existance. Some formed communities hidden away from the undead and the living alike. Others survived as lone wolves, surviving off of the land. Others still prayed on those that were still left alive.

Please survive while keeping these 6 Rules in mind:

  1. No KOS without reason under any circumstances. Killing should almost always involve some verbal interaction first. Players should have the oportunity to live if they make the right decisions. Please report murder in the incidents channel on discord.
  2. No racism or discrimination. Even as part of roleplaying.
  3. No Griefing. If raiding, take what you need/want. Not stuff 'just because.' Do not intentionally despawn everything in a base. Do not ruin all of the tires on someone's car or build walls blocking their tent access... etc. The rule of thumb is take only what you can carry, and don't take things you know you won't keep simply to take more stuff.
  4. RP is heavily encouraged, but not required. If a player is engaging in RP, please play along, or at least don't ruin it for them.
  5. RP characters should have a backstory compatible with the Cherneraus History posted on discord.
  6. No base building within 1 km of any military tent/barracks. If in doubt, check with a staff member.


The Minecraft server is a co-operative server, but is very chill. These rules apply to Survival Worlds, Creative Worlds, and Arenas.

  1. Do Not Grief
  2. Do Not Steal
  3. Do Not Use Cheats (Fly, xRay, etc)